Earlier this year, and X/Twitter account was hacked, allowing misinformation to be posted from this trusted account. Unfortunately, this is not an unfamiliar story, social media accounts have been hacked before as anyone who has received an off message form a friend knows by now. So why was this instance newsworthy? The hacked account belonged to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, if a trusted entity such as this can be hacked and misinformation spread, it brings into question the security of social media accounts belonging to businesses or government entities.
SIM skimming, otherwise known as SIM swapping, or simjacking, is the process used by fraudsters to gain control of an individual's phone number. Once the fraud has access to the phone number, they can use it to gain access to connected accounts such as banking, social media, business-related, etc. When you forget your password, do you ask for a text confirmation? If you've been SIM skimmed, the fraud is now receiving that text message and now has the power to change your password and give themselves sole access.
You may be wondering how they got access to your phone number, well from you of course. A common technique used is phishing, in which the hacker manipulates a victim into revealing information about themselves, usually be posing as a trusted individual. Once they have the right information, the hacker will call your service provider, convince customer service they are you and gain access to the phone number and account.
Be sure you're staying up to date on your cybersecurity measures and cyber-attack tactics.